To Optimize Robots.txt file is a challenging task. It plays an important role in SEO of your blog. You must have definitely heard about Robots.txt. But are you taking full use of this file? Overlooking this factor can harm your site rankings. If it is wrongly configured, search engines may completely ignore your entire site which can lead to completely disappearing your blog from searches. [Read more…]
What You May Not Know About MD5 Hash Generator 2?
There has been so much hype surrounding MD5 hash generator 2. What is it? What exactly does it do? Of course, the hype is expected to go on and on because of global evolution and the rampant growth of technology. But let’s take some time to understand what more is behind the scenes of MD5 hash generator 2. [Read more…]
10 Best WordPress Security Plugins to Shield Your Website
The Internet has grown immensely, way more than anyone could have ever imagined; it’s simply phenomenal, right? But there’s something else that’s phenomenal too, i.e. WordPress, a platform which powers the quarter of the whole web, courtesy to its open-source origins and its thousands of WordPress Security Plugins, which keep it evolving continually. [Read more…]