Off Page SEO Checklist: 9 Factors That Drive Traffic to Your Site in 2024

SEO or search engine optimization is one of the recommended practices, which needs to be followed to increase the customer base on online platforms. It is very much essential to know different options to promote your products or services effectively.  Whether you provide banking services like Bank of America or debt collection services like Financial Recovery Services. Effectively leveraging SEO tools will allow you to gain a competitive advantage over your competitors in your target market. The strategies are available in plenty, as a creative and unique way of promotion on different online platforms can help you attract a lot of audience regularly.

What is On-Page SEO?

The traditional way of promoting a website is with the help of On Page SEO (keywords and related content, where you will have the option to choose one or more keywords to drive traffic to the website). SEO or Search engine optimization can be done either by working hard to find high-ranking keywords and associating them with website codes. The strategy and procedure provide you with a good amount of traffic to the website, but it is important to look for other options while doing the daily SEO activities.

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What is Off-page SEO?

Off-page SEO is an alternative way of attracting traffic to your website regularly. There are a lot of ways to find people online and utilizing every possible way will give you visitors from every sector. Optimizing by using Search engine optimization methods is not the only way of promotion, as people have multiple things to check and know information about a company or firm before establishing the connection.

Some of the Off Page SEO platforms

1) Social Media management

Social media management is one of the essential practices, which has been followed by a lot of businesses in the current generation. Social media management is a cost-effective way of providing information and promoting the business, as you do not have to pay any money to create a page or a profile to post images with content. There are both free and paid ways of marketing a page or a business organization, as most of social media websites provide a way to promote a particular aspect regularly.

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Quora, and others provide an option to build a fan base and uniquely post different kinds of information. The promotion can be done based on the requirement, as the websites provide a user-friendly control panel to control the budget and promote effectively. Building a good customer or fan base can help you attract customers to the website, as you can provide detailed information on the website in a creative way.

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2)  Social Bookmarking sites

There are a lot of social bookmarking sites available in the market, which can be used to promote your website by bookmarking options. The websites provide an option to bookmark a particular blog post, web page, and a set of images, which can attract a lot of visitors over a period of time. Some of the popular social bookmarking sites like,,, and others let you bookmark your related page, which would be available on the website for visitors to view and make a way to your website.

3) Forum Submissions

Forums are one of the best ways to interact with the user effectively, as people would be available online to get their queries clarified and to get connected. There are forums available for every subject, where people from different parts of the world come online to solve their queries with the help of different users and experts regularly. Promoting or providing information about the business or company can help you reach potential customers, as people in forums can be considered a part of the target audience in the market.

4) Blog submissions

An interactive blog can attract people to visit your website regularly, as it helps you build a healthy vertical relationship among your customers. As there are plenty of people available online to find information through search engines and websites, it is evident that writing and submitting blogs on blogging websites can help you effectively promote your product or service. Blogs can be written by keeping the target audience in mind and can be made attractive for users to stay on the page and effectively read through the blog. A nicely written blog can be beneficial, as it helps you to promote your product or service organically and create a fan base in a quick span of time.

5) Article submissions

Writing articles based on the product, in general, will help you provide information to viewers. An informational content with reference links on different websites can help you educate your new and old customers about the product, which can help you increase the revenue or the number of users to the website regularly. Some of the quality articles can help you build good traffic, as most of the search engines promote and increase ranking from time to time.

6) Video submissions

There are a lot of video streaming websites, which are being visited by tons and tons of people regularly. Maintaining a channel and uploading videos at periodic intervals can help you create a fan base and keep routing them to the website with every post. Some of the popular video streaming websites like YouTube, video, and others provide an option to run advertisements and to post your video for viewers to watch regularly.

7) Image Submissions

Submitting images both on the website and 3rd party websites can help you attract customers, as an image can express the message uniquely and creatively. Some of the image submission websites provide an option to upload images with content, which helps you to optimize the post with related keywords and web links.

8) Smartphone applications

Smartphones have taken over the world in terms of convenience, as apps in the Smartphone can perform every possible task in a quick span of time. Most business organizations are looking to provide both a website and mobile app, which helps them to maintain both mobile and computer users in the market. An application on the mobile phone will provide you with every option to update the app and to provide information with the help of notifications.

9) Document and InfoGraphic Submissions

Some of the websites do allow users to upload their documents like banners, flyers, specifications, and information documents about a particular service. It is important to promote the organization and its products with the help of information content, as new information or detailed information can help you educate your customers and effectively attract them.


Off-Page SEO provides quality results, as most people prefer to visit websites other than search engines to find information about a particular service or a product. As technology has provided a lot of ways for people to search for the required information, it is evident that promoting your business or organization on all the platforms can help you build a good customer base easily.

What other Off Page SEO strategies can be included in this list? Do comments in the section below.

Sejal Parmar

Sejal Parmar, is an enthusiastic blogger who has a passion and interest in SEO. She covers topics on SMM, SEO, social media, digital marketing, blogging and much more at Web Ratna!

View Comments

  • Thank you for posting such an informative post about off-page SEO and how we can create quality links for our site. I really found this very helpful. keep posting...

  • I think everything published was very logical.

    However, what about this? suppose you composed a catchier title?
    I ain't saying your information is not solid, however what if you added something to possibly get people's attention? I mean Off Page SEO
    Checklist: 9 Factors That Drive Traffic to Your Site in 2019 is kinda boring.

    You might peek at Yahoo's home page and see how they create post headlines to grab people to click.
    You might add a related video or a related pic or two to grab readers excited about everything've written. In my opinion,
    it might make your posts a little livelier.

  • Great blog! Thank you for sharing this information. It is really helpful and I also believe that social media engagement indeed drive traffic to your site.

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